5 Ways to Make the Most of Case Studies

Most companies already have case studies. But somehow people do not always think of using them to nurture leads.

That is a terrible waste, especially considering it’s quite easy to do.

Here are five ways to leverage case studies for lead nurturing purposes. Discover the one that works best for you.

Keep top-of-mind

Think of all the people who have already expressed an interest, but have not made a decision yet.

Now, you don’t want them to forget about your company, do you?

Create a series of postcards featuring a different client story each time. Click To Tweet

Sending out postcards or drip emails is a great way to prevent prospects from forgetting about your company while helping them learn how your previous clients have successfully managed to overcome challenges that they also face.

Strengthen your credibility

Does your case study attest you delivered outstanding results? Great!

Now is the time to apply for an industry award that would increase the visibility for your firm.

Bonus: your client will probably be delighted to share the prestige of the award nomination.

Also, consider framing and displaying framed success stories in the reception area or your main conference room. Click To Tweet

That way, each time one of your prospects, existing customers, or business partners comes to visit you, they will have a chance to learn more about your accomplishments.

Grouping several case studies by theme or industry in a booklet is another possibility.

This could be all you need to establish your credibility in a specific industry.

Besides, eBooks can be used as a leave-behind at trade shows, a call to action for your lead nurturing email or direct mail campaign, etc.

Include excerpts or client quotes that link to the full story throughout your entire website—not just in the case study section. Click To Tweet

This approach makes it easier for your visitors to locate relevant success stories, and it confidently relays the message to prospects that they can expect similar results when they do business with your organization.

And don’t forget social media. Use your success stories to illustrate your point when you answer a question on LinkedIn or Twitter or as a pinned Tweet to demonstrate your expertise.

Help prospects progress through their buying cycle

Is it better to use success stories at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the prospect’s buying cycle? It really depends on the particular story you are telling.

In an optimal situation, each case study should have a central theme. Click To Tweet

For example, some success stories will stress the tangible benefits that resulted from the successful completion of the project while others will highlight your experience in a specific industry.

Regardless of the approach you take, you will need to inventory your current case studies. Then, group them by industry, theme, and relevancy in the sales cycle.

Your account representatives should be able to find the case study they need when they need it.

Increase the productivity of your sales professionals

Your sales network is broader than just your account representatives. It includes your business partners, distributors, and outsourced functions.

Now, the question is: Do they all know where to find your case studies and how to use them?

For example, have your inside sales representatives ever considered mentioning your success stories when they leave voicemail?

A good voicemail should spark interest. Click To Tweet

Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies, suggests integrating your unique value proposition into your message. Compare the two voice messages below.

“Hi, this is Geraldine Roy from ERPWorks. We offer business management software for companies just like yours. I would like to set up a time to discuss your needs and determine how we could help your organization achieve its objectives. I can be reached at 514-123-1111.”

“Hi, this is Geraldine Roy from ERPWorks. I was doing some research on your company, and I have some ideas on how we can help your business grow. Actually, we’ve just helped ABC Inc. save more than $80,000 in staff while they doubled their revenues. We should talk. Please call me at 514-123-1111.”

The more specific you are (tangible benefits, name of the client, etc.), the more effective the message will be.

And don’t forget to send case studies to existing clients. Happy clients usually love sharing their experience with their peers, and it often reassures their peers that they’ve made the right choice.

Close more business

You can often make a proposal more compelling when you include case studies in the appendices. 

Usually, at this stage, the potential client has already seen some of your success stories; however, that is not always the case. Give it a try.

After all, there is no better time to stress the results your customers typically experience than when you’re about to close a deal!

Key takeaways

When you think of all the ways you can use case studies to nurture leads, you may realize that you will never have enough of them.

And yet, we often find that many organizations have poorly selected the customers they feature in their success stories.

Read: Select the Right Customer for Your Next Case Study

If you think you’re making this mistake, be sure to start by analyzing how your company presently uses case studies.

This process will help you identify gaps, thus focusing on the ones that will make a difference to your bottom line.

How about you? How are you using case studies? Share it with us in the comments section.

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